Is Prayer Answered

 This morning meditating on a daily devotional from Turning Point and Dr. David Jeremiah, some life important thoughts became clearer. The scripture for the day was the 12th chapter of the book of Psalms. This Psalm of King David reflected on the faithlessness and false talk of men. David sought the Lords protection over this evil in the world. Has much changed over time?

We eternally need God's protection over  zandlevering it speaks of the retirement of David Wilson, the Police Chief of Foley, Alabama, who retired after 37 years on the force. In his letter to the community of Foley, he thanked those that encouraged him and worked at his side. He thanked his family for their sacrifices because of his work. Finally, he ended his letter and thanked Jesus Christ as follows (quote)... "He is my life. I'm so very thankful for the hedge of protection He has kept around me in the 37 years as a cop with the many close calls I've had. I'm so thankful that He answered my prayer... my daily prayer to keep the officers I've worked with my whole career safe from death in the line of duty. Thank you for keeping all my employees safe from death with COVID also. Most of all thank you for redeeming this sinner."*

The devotion finishes by thanking God for a policeman who prays for his colleagues, and for a God that answers those prayers.

We are reassured that God answers prayers. This story strikes home with the realization that we need to pray in every situation. In Philippians 4:6-7 it says... Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This scripture reaffirms that we need to pray. When we pray there is something that transcends what we understand to give us an assurance that God hears us, He sends to us an understanding that our prayer was received and we are given a peace that protects us. We get the same peace that King David got in the Psalms, that the Apostle Paul got in Philippians thousands of years later. What a blessing given to us by God.

At the end of this year 2020 when so many crazy things have happened we know that God answers our prayers.


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